About Chaitanya Educational Institutes

Viswa Bharati Education Society, Warangal, T.S. India established Chaitanya Degree College in 1991, Chaitanya P.G. College in 1993, Chaitanya College of Pharmacy Education and Research in 2008 and Chaitanya Institute of Technology and Science in the year 2010 and emerging as an ideal and model colleges unique among affiliated colleges of Kakatiya University, Warangal of Telangana region. Our P.G. College was granted research centre.
Colleges have been harvesting invaluable advantages of its location and playing a key role in economic and educational fields. also providing wonderful resource for trained technical man power to the country.
impressed by its academic performance, Kakatiya University, to which these colleges are affiliated, has granted permanent affiliation and our college included them under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
Apart from regular academic activities, the college is also offering various short-term courses to the college students to improve different skills.